
Practical English Language Teaching Reading

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  • 定價:600
  • 優惠價:95570

  • Practical English Language Teaching Reading

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      Practical English Language Teaching: Reading is one in a series of special-interest books for teachers and teachers in preparation. Each book offers vital background information on the special-interest topic in focus and a wealth of helpful teaching strategies and techniques. Practical English Language Teaching: Reading provides newer teachers with an overview of how to teach reading and experienced professionals with refreshing new ideas and activities.


      * Individual chapters outline specific principles, techniques, and activities for teaching reading to beginning, intermediate, and advanced learners.

      * Principles outlined are richly illustrated with vignettes from real classrooms and textbook excerpts, so readers can see what these principles “look like” when realize in classroom teaching.

      * Reflection questions invite readers to think about critical teaching issues, while Action tasks outline strategies for putting new techniques into practice.

      * Key Issues chapter focuses on critical priorities in teaching reading, including the role of reading strategies, reading skills, extensive reading, and both silent and oral reading fluency.

      * Thoughtful suggestions for books, articles, and websites offer resources for additional, up-to-date information.


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      AutoBook專業書籍 教科書 政府出版品3

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